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The Great Business Bake-Off

The Great Business Bake-Off

Join us in the Keystone Lobby on Nov. 6 for The Great Business Bake-Off! whether you like to bake or just eat the tasty treats.


As a Contestant: Bake and decorate your choice of dessert and bring to Spears on Wednesday, November 6. There is no entry fee for contestants. Email for further details.


As a Judge: Donate $7 to taste your choice of entries and vote for your favorite. Donation includes sampler plate, 1 vote and water. Additional votes available for $1 each (no limits). 


Note: You can (and are encouraged to) enter as a contestant AND as a judge.

For more information, contact or 405-744-2951.

  • Help us with the PayPal Fee

    We have set the shipping default to add an amount that covers PayPal fees. This allows us to make sure as much of your donation goes directly to United Way as possible. It doesn't have an actual connection to shipping. You can opt out of this addition by selecting the pick-up option. 

  • Donation Methods

    You can order any from any of our fundraisers and donate using the following methods:

    Integrated into this site

    • PayPal
    • Credit Card (uses PayPal to process but you dont have to have an account.)


    • Cash/check (in person): Go through the ordering process and select "Offline Payment". We will contact you for your order and preferences. 
    • Venmo: Our account is SSB UW @SSBunitedway. You can scan the QR code located at the top of the page or at the top of the home page or find us directly through the Venmo app.


    If you have any questions about any of the donation methods, please contact us at 405-744-8630 or email

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